The four issues of "Debris" were recently collected into a trade paperback. I was surprised to see how differently the lead female character was portrayed on the cover of the paperback as compared to the comics.
Here's what I mean: Here is the cover of the first issue featuring the protagonist, Maya:
And here is the cover of the trade:
Can we see that one more time? (this time with the cover of issue #3):
But I thought the depiction of women* in the book was pretty respectful. Maya was young and attractive, and sure, wore tight clothing, but she was at least drawn realistically.
I was happy to see a more realistic portrayal of a female character. It's a little sad now to see that character all sex-potted up. Fishnets and a flowy evening dress are not practical for fighting giant robots!
Also, she's straddling a penis-shaped pipe! Seriously!?
*(There was actually more than one woman! This is what we call progress in comic books.)