Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"By Crom!!" (Sketchbook: Conan)

Here is my weekly Monday post only two days late.

This sketch was based on a still from the 1982 Conan the Barbarian film which makes me a complete poser, I know. I did change the head to be more in lines with the traditional comic version (Specifically John Buscema's work).

This is the first time I tried a deliberate comic style on a drawing. Meaning I looked at way some Conan comics were inked and tried to ink that way. I used a Pentel Brush pen for this.

I like the drawing, but my wife pointed out that in black and white, it's much more obvious that his sword is a stand-in for his penis. I guess this wasn't as obvious in full-color photograph? Whatever. I think it's better than some of previous brush-inked drawings, obvious phallic symbol or not.

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